Yu Shin HapGi Mu Yae (Willow Spirit Way of Joining Energy)/ HapGi Mu Yae

Founder:  Ian A. Cyrus

Founded:  1989

The formulation of HapGi Mu Yae, began in 1989 and continues to the current times. It’s an evolving practice. HapGi Mu Yae is distilled and synthesized from Don Jitsu Ryu Jiu Jutsu,  Hapkido, Kuk Sool (Hapkido) Won, Sin Mu (Hapkido), Itto Tenshin Ryu Kenjutsu, Chen Tai Ji Chuan, Yin Fu Ba Gua Zhang, Taekwondo, Oriental Medicine, and Buddhist practice. I cannot think of another school/style that incorporates Oriental Medicine and Buddhist practice to the degree that HapGi Mu Yae have. HapGi Mu Yae is not a style as most interpret it, but a comprehensive practice and study of the principles, concepts, methodologies, and strategies that leads to the embodiment Bup (Law) and the achievement of self-actualization. A technical curriculum only serves as means to realize the epitome of human potential. This can also be summed up as HapGi Bup.

The Prefix “Yu Shin” embodies the likeness and attributes of the Willow Tree. The two most relevant attributes are “Yu (flexibility/fluidity)” and “root/ stability”. The principle of “Yu” is central to the study and practice of HapGi Bup.

The literal translation of Shin is “Heart/Mind”. “Shin” is used in this context to capture the qualities, image and likeness of the Willow tree. However, Asian philosophy and medicine espouses that the “Heart” generates the mind/spirit which in turn generates matter (the body), the “Heart”, “Spirit”, “Mind” and “Body” are inextricably tied to each other and therefore, one and the same. It is difficult or impossible to determine where one aspect ends and the other begin.

HapGi Mu Yae is represented by a Willow Tree (Soo Yang Bo Dul). Bo Dul refers to the Willow tree as a general type of tree, while Soo Yang refers to a type of Willow tree that grows primarily near water and draws its name from the Soo Yang mountains of China. The Willow tree stands firm and rooted while being able to withstand a gale force wind. It is flexible yet resilient. When resistance is applied to its branches, it will yield until the force is absorbed and/or redirected then snap back with great force. The philosophy, concepts, principles, and skills taught and studied  are embodied in this image and likeness. A sample of the principles and concepts follows:

  • Flexibility of mind and body
  • Seek the path of least resistance
  • Yielding
  • Fluidity
  • Root/Stability
  • Leverage
  • Push – Pull
  • S.A.I.D
  • Pendulum/Balance Wheel Principle
  • Sequential Rotation
  • Triangulation
  • Decreasing Radius
  • Position of Advantage

The HapGi Mu Yae experience is based on three main aspects:

  1. Spirit: Gi Gong, Meditation
  2. Mind: Concepts, Principles, Philosophy
  3. Body: Physical skills of Hapkido
  4. The medical (Shin Shim Bup [Mind-Body Method]) and Buddhist practice aspect of HapGi Mu Yae bridges its three main aspects.

The physical aspects of Hapkido consist of the following skills:

  • Thrusting
  • Striking
  • Receiving (not blocking)
  • Kicking
  • Body shifting, evasion, and dodging
  • Immobilizing/Throwing
  • Pinning

The IKMAF (HapGi Mu Yae) accepts all Hapkido practitioners of Hapkido regardless of style to share the breath and depth of this phenomenal martial art.

Recently, Hapkido has been experiencing immense popularity. With this popularity comes change and evolution. Some good and some bad. As I travel in and out of the country, I have encountered individuals who truly embody the true spirit of Hapkido and those that clearly don’t. The former is the exception and the later the rule. What I often see are a pastiche of poor skills that are devoid of the principles, concepts, and the flavor that makes Hapkido distinct from any other martial art. This in all likelihood is due to the misguided perception that Hapkido is not clearly defined with identifiable signature skills. It is no secret that the history of Hapkido is clouded in national prejudice, half truths, lies, and unsubstantiated claims which contributes to the questionable status of the art.

I have had the distinct honor and pleasure of having a face to face conversation with the very first student of the progenitor of Hapkido, Choi Yong Sul, Suh Bok Sup during my last visit to South Korea. He told me that no one ever questioned Choi’s ability. It was never an issue until now and he left it at that. The fact is, Choi was the genesis of what we now know today as Hapkido. On a personal note, Grand Master Suh was more interested in my skill and ability as a doctor of Oriental Medicine than he was in my Hapkido skills. In his words, “healing is more important”. Having Trained (and still training) under such Hapkido notables, Master Jung Won Byun, Grandmaster Seo, In Sun, and Doju Han Jae Ji, I can say without a doubt that Hapkido is much more than joint manipulation, throwing, and percussion. It definitely has a feel, a flavor if you will, that is unique unto itself. One can only know this if you have had the benefit of competent instruction. It takes time to infuse that “flavor” into your being. So, when you do Hapkido it looks and feels right.

HapGi Mu Yae is NOT a style (as most would interpret style) but, a school of martial arts that explores HapGi Bup under the umbrella of the International Korean Martial Arts Federation (IKMAF).

The Uniqueness of Yu Shin HapGi Mu Yae:

HapGi Mu Yae is unique in that the representative skills and methods of are given actual names based on anatomical references and laws of motion, as opposed to the current system of learning skills/methods by number. This reduces the need for rote memorization of skills which leads to negative transfer and interferes with learning. Hapkido practitioners often take pride in knowing 1500 to 3000 skills/methods when in reality there only about twenty-four (24) skills/methods with possible variations. While rote memorization of 3000 skills/methods may be an impressive mental feat, it has little to do with a free associative response when necessary. When the concepts, principles, methodologies, and strategies are applied to movement, skills without boundaries or nomenclature are created. That, in my opinion, is the epitome of martial arts. The following is a brief list of some of the aforementioned representative skills:

Wrist Turn Out Immobilization/Throw

  • Elbow Pressure (Arm Bar) Immobilization/Projection
  • Wrist Spin Immobilization/Projection
  • Wrist Turn In Immobilization/Throw
  • Wrist Turn-In Immobilization/Throw (Forearm Return)
  • Wrist Pressure Immobilization/Projection
  • Four-Corner Immobilization/Projection
  • Heaven and Earth Projection
  • Rear Drop-Projection
  • Three Level Projection
  • Entering Projection
  • Leg Reaping Projection
  • Hip Projection
  • Shoulder Projection
  • Floating Projection

Yu Shin HapGi Mu Yae is affiliated with the World Sin Moo Hapkido Association led by Ji Han Jae, Doju, the acknowledged founder of Hapkido as it is practiced today and the Korea Hapkido Federation (KHF) led by Oh Se Lim, Chairman, and former student of Doju, Ji. This establishes a direct lineage to the source of Hapkido. Therefore, our Hapkido Program offers internationally recognized and legitimate and gup, dan and instructor certifications. This is due to top notch affiliations and the impeccable reputation of its founder, Grandmaster Ian A. Cyrus. The IKMAF is a non-political entity. We do not impose unreasonable mandates on our members and affiliates. We exist to provide support in quality martial arts instruction and business guidance to those who require it. We invite you to share and grow with us.

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