- Individual membership in the International Korean Martial Arts Federation (IKMAF) is open to anyone regardless of style.
- Members may participate in the five (5) programs represented under the umbrella of the IKMAF:
- Yu Shin HapGi Mu Yae – Yu Shin Kwan
- Taekwondo (Traditional)
- Itto Tenshin Ryu (Kenjutsu)
- Oriental Medicine
- Law Enforcement Defensive Tactics
- Members may participate in gup ( under black belt) and dan (black belt) certification and teaching certification programs.
- Members may participate in intensive workshops, seminars, and camps
- Members will receive an official IKMAF patch and membership certificate
- Members will receive a quarterly (electronic) newsletter when published
- Taekwondo members may also participate in Kuk Ki Won and World Taekwondo (WT: Federation) membership and certification programs as well
- Yu Shin HapGi Mu Yae – Yu Shin Kwan members will receive a Yu Shin HapGi Mu Yae patch.
- Members may use the official IKMAF logo and name with prior written consent
- Members are afforded training privileges at any IKMAF affiliated schools